Villa Maria Services

Non-institutional services

“Vila Maria” Social Care Home for adults with psychiatric disorders or intellectual disabilities offers full-day and half-day stay services, organized housing with assistance services, and home help services.

Adult daycare

Adult daycare is a social service that includes full-day and half-day stay.

Full-day stay can last from 6 to 10 hours, and a half-day stay from 4 to 6 hours. During that time the beneficiaries receive the services that satisfy their everyday needs, such as nutrition, personal hygiene, health care, care, work activities, psychosocial support, organization of leisure time depending on the needs and wishes of the beneficiary. These services can be provided one day a week, several days a week, or on each weekday.

Adult Daycare Center SUSRET opened on January 13, 2016 within the project “TRIP – B Community Support”, which was co-financed by the European Union from the European Social Fund. After the completion of the project on July 14, 2016, the Adult Daycare Center Susret began to operate as a part of the Home Vila Maria.

Half-day and full-day adult daycare, as non-institutional program for people with mental disabilities, is intended for people who live in their own families or alone, and need quality and organized time outside their own family life. The program is aimed at the effective integration of adults with mental disabilities in community life and their socialization. Each beneficiary receives assistance to preserve and maintain the existing abilities, develops certain skills and a sense of responsibility, and actively participate in everyday activities, so that he or she can stay in their social environment for as long as possible.

The goal is to improve the quality of life of beneficiaries and their families through an individual approach, to improve their social skills and to enable them to live independently by improving their functional, emotional and intellectual abilities.

Adult daycare offers the following services:


At least two meals are provided in full-day adult daycare center, and at least one meal per day is served on a half-day basis. The beneficiaries participate in meal preparation.

Healthcare and care

The health status of the beneficiary is monitored with an emphasis on monitoring the psychological condition and regular pharmacotherapy. Nurses provide care services to individual users’ needs. Users are taught about caring for their own health and maintaining personal hygiene.

Work activities and organization of free time

Occupational therapy activities:

– Self-care – Beneficiaries are encouraged to develop and maintain the skills for independent or self-reliant care of personal hygiene and personal appearance, neatness, dressing and maintaining personal space and clothing.

– Productivity – Encourages the development and maintenance of work habits, acceptance of obligations as an integral part of life, development of cultural habits, preparation and training in social skills for life in community, establishment and maintenance of social relations, improvement of the quality of life, developing a sense of security, confidence and dignity in everyday situations.

– Leisure, recreation and relaxation – Beneficiaries are encouraged to maintain existing skills and learn new ones, meet the need for socialization, creativity and self-reflection, develop and maintain coordination of movement and concentration skills, meet personal interests and sociocultural needs, maintain and develop motor and sensory skills, meet the need for movement, and maintain a healthy lifestyle through physical activity.

Organised housing with assistance

Organized housing is a social service that provides permanent or occasional assistance of an expert or other person for basic living and social, working, cultural, educational, recreational and other needs of one or more persons during 24 hours, in the apartment or outside of it. Depending on the required support, the services of organized housing can be provided in the following scope and duration:

  • organized housing with comprehensive support 24 hours a day
  • organized housing with daily intensive support 16 hours a day
  • organized housing with daily short-term support 2,5 hours a day
  • organized housing with occasional support 2 hours 2 – 3 times a week

Organized housing assistance includes: developing skills and supporting self-reliant care for own nutrition, helping, supporting and practicing skills for meal preparation; helping, providing support and practicing skills in maintaining the hygiene of kitchen dishes and food; encouraging and practicing self-care about personal hygiene, personal appearance and orderliness; providing help in time and space management; developing and promoting work habits; supporting beneficiaries in participation in work activities of local community, encouraging socially acceptable behavior of beneficiaries; motivation and development of interests, desires, initiative and creativity, providing support in everyday life situations.

Home Vila Maria is currently providing organized housing services for 5 beneficiaries in one residential unit.

Home help services

Home help is a social service that can be provided to a mentally disabled person who is in a dire need of assistance provided by another person.

Home help services provided by Home Vila Maria in a beneficiary’s home are:

  • performing household tasks (food delivery, assistance in food preparation, dishwashing, housekeeping, delivery of water, firewood and the like, organization of washing and ironing, supply of medicines and other necessities)
  • maintenance of personal hygiene in the beneficiary’s home (help in dressing and undressing, bathing and other hygienic needs)
  • fulfilling other everyday needs (eg delivery of ready-to-eat meals to home, gardening, technical tasks at home such as chopping wood, grass cutting, performing small home repairs that do not require specific professional knowledge).