Social Care Home Villa Maria

Care services for adults with mental impairment: accommodation and stay half-day stay, organized housing with support and home assistance service.


Home Vila Maria in Pula provides services for adults with psychiatric disorders or intellectual disabilities: long-term and temporary accommodation services, full-day and half-day stay, assisted housing services and home help services.

Services are provided in the renovated villa and a new modern building, surrounded by a large landscaped park. Residents have at their disposal a multipurpose living room, living rooms with kitchenettes, a dining room, a polyvalent hall, work therapy room, a chapel, visitors’ facilities, a hairdresser’s salon and other recreational facilities. Eighty qualified staff members are taking care of 195 people.

Services provided by Villa Maria

Dom Vila Maria, Pula

Accommodation services

housing, nutrition, care, health services, social work, psychological support, physical and work therapy, various activities

Soba za aktivnosti

Non-institutional services

full-day and half-day stay, organized housing with support and home help services

Soba za sastanke

In-house facilities

living room with kitchenette, dining room, polyvalent hall, chapel, visitor, hairdresser and other facilities